Rats are a global menace. Their front teeth grow by 4-5 inches every year and they need to constantly gnaw at things to keep the growth in check. They have a special fondness for wires and cables. Furthermore, rat urine is acidic and corrosive and is lethal for PCBs and electronics. For the industrial sector especially manufacturing and assembly lines, rats ruin expensive and critical machinery, thus causing downtime and delivery rescheduling. Not only does it cause monetary loss but also reputations take a severe beating in these time critical and unforgiving industries.
Also, the unnecessary repairs are time consuming, expensive and lead to eventual loss of business. Moreover, half chewed / bitten wires can overload, causing short circuit related fires and damages and even loss of lives.
GIZMOCAT comes in 2 variants depending on supply voltage type-
AC/DC model – 35 to 250 V AC/DC
DC only low voltage model – 12 to 35 V DC
GIZMOCAT is easily installed in enclosures like electronic panels, CNC panels, PLC panels and vending machines. GIZMOCAT bombards ultrasound frequencies which creates a hostile environment for rats. It does not interfere with other ultrasound-based sensing devices.
Needs to be always ‘ON’
Simple two wire connection
For better durability
Requires negligible power
Cover against any electrical/manufacturing defect
Doesn’t hamper performance of your machine
Ultrasonic rat repellent
Ultrasound is no rocket science. Ultrasound generators have been around since the time of discovery of piezoelectricity by Jacques and Pierre Currie in 1877. Ultrasound generators exploit the piezoelectricity effect (electrical to mechanical energy conversion and vice-versa) of certain crystals to produce vibrations at ultrasonic frequencies.
Rat and rodents like bats and dolphins can hear and create ultrasound. They use ultrasound for echo location, long range communication, mating calls, aggression and distress signalling.
Built as per the IRPA (International Radiation Protection Agency), Geneva, guidelines, GIZMOCAT is completely safe for humans. In simple words, humans can be exposed to GIZMOCAT’s ultrasonic frequencies without having any side effects.
A product by Custom Logics Pvt. Ltd.
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