Different animals have different hearing ranges. Some dog breeds can hear frequencies up to 45 kHz. Domesticated pets are used to and become immune to ultrasound. Commonly used household items which have moving parts like mixers, washing machines, dryers, fans and even the quietest of air conditioners will emit some amount ultrasound. Even electronic equipment like mobile chargers, televisions leak out ultrasound. Moreover the sensitivity is not the same across the hearing range of the animals. GIZMOCAT is designed to irritate rats, not other pets.
Also most of the ultrasound emitted by GIZMOCAT is contained within the enclosure. As ultrasound cannot pass through solid surfaces only reflect there is little or no ultrasound outside. Also in open areas ultrasound gets absorbed and dies down quickly. For the ultrasound to be irritating it needs an enclosed area where it can bounce off solid surfaces, like within the control panel enclosures.
This product is a result of 35 yrs. of continual research in the field of ultrasound. We have hundreds of happy pet owners who are our customers. The same Ultrasound technology is protecting the Ambani household ‘Antila’ and they have various pets.
As long as the pet is not going inside the enclosure, it should not be affected, and if its affected it will not go inside the enclosure, which is a good thing.
Disclaimer: It is obvious we cannot test on all animals. User discretion is advised - If you notice any observational behavior changes post installation, disconnect the device and kindly update us. We rely on customer feedback for product improvements.